Award winning operators at your service.
Mandy Francis-Maier and Peter 'Boxy' Maier will make your day on the creek as memorable and as enjoyable an experience as possible.
The Yardie Creek Boat Tour vessel, 'Yardi' meanders along the creek below the escarpment walls.
Yardi on tour
The Yardie Creek Boat Tour vessel, 'Yardi' meanders along the creek below the escarpment walls.
Getting on board couldn't be easier.
For those without a car, we provide a bus service to and from Exmouth to Yardie Creek and back. Conditions apply. See our Boat tours page for more info.
Yardie Creek wildlife
The diversity of wildlife living along the rock-face is what makes the creek so special and such a joy for photographers to shoot. Cute little rock wallaby's, menacing western osprey's and elegant eastern egrets all find a home along the creeks walls.
The kids from Year 7 at Exmouth High School about to sart their tour.
Boat loads of fun!
The kids from Year 7 at Exmouth District High School about to commence their tour.
Turquoise Bay Bus Service
Turquoise Bay Bus Service
We now offer a bus service to and from the beautiful Turquoise Bay. Click here for more info.
Two young Eastern Reef Egrets giving chase to Mum while a Yarie Creek Osprey looks on.
Bird life along Yardie Creek
Two young Eastern Reef Egrets giving chase to Mum while a Yarie Creek Osprey looks on.
Photographers Dream
Our steady vessel makes capturing the amazing scenery along Yardie Creek even easier.


Since starting our Yardie Creek Boat Tours and Turquoise Bay Beach Service in March 2013, we have had a number of frequently asked questions (FAQs).  We have recorded them below to assist with any queries our visitors/clients may have in the future…

What is YCBT doing about COVID-19?

Well, it is great to be back out on the creek for the 2024 season (our 12th season for YCBT) after the last few years of dealing with the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic requirements. Like all the other tourism operators in Exmouth and the rest of Western Australia (WA) we have been trying to keep up to date with the current information relevant to our business, listening to and taking advice from our tourism industry partners and trying to keep abreast of all the ever-changing Health Department of WA changes and recommendations, all whilst continuing to offer our tour services in a remote part of our state. There have been flare-ups of COVID-19 cases in all parts of WA over the last 6 months, so it’s important we stay vigilent with our COVID Safety Plan for this current year.

In accordance with COVID Safety Guidelines (from 20 March 2022), the most effective measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 are maintaining very good hygiene practices, additional cleaning and disinfection regimes, mask wearing, physical distancing where possible, following testing and isolation requirements, getting tested if you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and getting vaccinated. YCBT supports all these guidelines and recommendations, but we have also applied a practical and customised approach given the outdoor nature of our boat tours and general operating environment.  We want you to come aboard our boat and enjoy a relaxing one (1) hour tour experience on the Creek, but it’s important everyone has the chance to feel safe and comfortable to be onboard.

COVID-19 Business Safety plan 2022In accordance with our current COVID Safety Plan, please be aware of the following health & safety requirements when preparing for your tour with YCBT:

  • Please practice good physical distancing when waiting at the jetty area at Yardie Creek before boarding the boat tour and allow space when guests are disembarking after a tour.
  • We will be greeting you at the jetty with a big smile and a squirt of hand sanitiser (no handshakes, high fives or knuckle knocks, sorry) – every passenger must sanitise their hands before accessing the boat (parents please help the kids with this important hygiene practice).
  • We will be cleaning & sanitising the seats and handrails, before & after each boat tour for essential health & hygiene reasons.
  • Please practice good cough & sneezing etiquette when on our tours – this is really important – remember to cough into your elbow and cover sneezes with a tissue.
  • Mask wearing is optional, but not required as we operate outdoors in the fresh air.
  • Please do NOT access our tour services if you have tested positive to COVID-19 and you are in your five (5) day isolation period or if you are considered a close contact (as per the current guidelines). Please also do NOT access our tour services if you are sick or unwell, or showing any signs of a cold or flu-like symptoms.  Our tour guides reserve the right to refuse access to our boat tour or bus transfer services if a person is sick or unwell.

How long does it take to get to Yardie Creek from the Exmouth Townsite?

Yardie creek Boat Tours road signWe estimate that you allow at least 90 minutes to drive from the townsite of Exmouth to the carpark at Yardie Creek.  Please don’t listen to Google or Siri, as they do not get the timings or directions right!  The Yardie Creek Jetty is just a short stroll to the left of the carpark once you arrive at Yardie Creek (Please use the pathways provided to get to the jetty, as walking down by the creek bed can be slippery & uneven and we are trying to protect the limestone).  It is really important that visitors abide by the speed limits once you enter the Cape Range National Park (CRNP), as there is usually plenty of wildlife (eg. kangaroos, bungarras, bush turkeys, echidnas, wedgetail eagles etc) that may be close to the road.  Plus the drive / journey to Yardie Creek is very scenic, so why not take the time to enjoy it?

How long is the boat tour of Yardie Creek?

The boat tour takes one (1) hour and we need you at the jetty at Yardie Creek at least ten (10) minutes before your scheduled tour time.  With the boat tour only taking 1 hour, it allows you plenty of time to do other things on the North West Cape on the same day!  Why not do the boat tour, then have a picnic lunch at Sandy Bay and after a rest & relax, do a swim/snorkel at Oyster Stacks or Turquoise Bay? In the winter months (when it’s cooler) you could do a hike at Mandu Mandu gorge, then on the way home you can call into the Lighthouse and watch the sunset…how’s that for a magical day in Exmouth!

Can we take photos whilst on the boat tour?

Absolutely! Your boat tour guide will ensure you have plenty of opportunities to take photos whilst on the boat tour of Yardie Creek – if you have any special requests please just ask your guide on the day.  We would also love you to share them with us on Facebook or Instagram (#YCBTs or #yardiecreekboattours or #wonderoutyonder)

Do we have to be quiet when on the boat tour?

We encourage our clients on the boat tour to be conscious of level noise they make, to ensure they don’t scare off the black-footed wallabies or bird life – the normal noise level of person to person conversation is fine, however we don’t have music on board or encourage loud voices (eg. shouting or yelling out etc).

Do you have any merchandise we can buy to remind us of our boat trip to Yardie Creek?

Yes we do! You can purchase some unique YCBT stubby/drink holders (for $10 each) or a YCBT quality cap (for $40 each) – just ask your boat tour guide or contact Mandy on 0499 202 920.

If we are staying at Coral Bay can we drive up the back road and cross Yardie Creek to do the boat tour?

Since 2013 when we first started YCBT, Yardie Creek has been open to the ocean so crossing the creek has become very reliant on tides and sometimes it’s just not passable at all – please consider your personal safety at all times. Our advice is just to avoid this situation entirely by driving the “long way” ie. via the highway to Exmouth and then coming down Yardie Road in the Cape Range National Park to get to the Creek.  Unless you are very experienced with 4WD driving and it’s safe to do so, we wouldn’t recommend crossing the creek by car as you may end up like some of the photos on our Facebook page

Should we feed the wildlife in the Cape Range National Park?

That’s a definite NO!  We do not feed the wildlife or marine life on our tours as we do not want to interfere with them in their natural habitats. Giving wildlife human foods can impact their well-being; may lead to unwanted habits and an unhealthy reliance on humans. We strive to observe the wildlife in their natural environment, whilst minimising our impact during our encounters.

Can we use a “drone” in the Cape Range National Park?

The use of drones has increased dramatically in the 6-7 years throughout Australia and the world and the policies & procedures in managing their correct use is important in any natural environment with wildlife. The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) have very strict protocols for the use of drones in the CRNP, including Yardie Creek and you can only do so if you have a permit from them prior to accessing the Park.  Most importantly, drones are not permitted to be flown close to any wildlife in Yardie Creek, particularly around the black-footed rock wallabies in the gorges; the ospreys in the nests or any other birdlife – to do so, has been proven to disturb them in their natural habitat. So if you have a drone, please only use with the appropriate permits from DBCA and always be mindful on NOT disturbing wildlife in their natural environment and also being respectful of other peoples right to privacy.

Are there any other motorised boats allowed in Yardie Creek?

YCBT are the only licenced operators to do daily boat tours on Yardie Creek (as per our operating schedule). There is another operator (Ningaloo Safari Tours) who are only able to do a boat tour in conjunction with their safari tour, but other than that no one else is authorised to take a motorised vessel up Yardie Creek. We regularly need to remind people of this, but DBCA have posted a sign on the jetty at Yardie Creek and other locations at the Creek and they also monitor the area on a regular basis (via their Rangers).  It’s all about protecting the eco-system at Yardie Creek, controlling the noise levels and most importantly not disturbing the wildlife in their natural habitats.